Posted on: 9th of February, 2017
By: Leadtec User

Every business owner knows that a backup solution for their critical IT data and systems are one of the top priorities for any successful company. However in reality normally a poorly maintained and unreliable solution is implemented due to either cost or time needed to maintain them. Here we have listed 5 of the main reasons why a reliable and managed Cloud Managed Backup solution should be implemented.
1. Data Loss
The most obvious reason to implement a backup solution is to protect your business from data loss. And most services and products will offer this at varying degrees of costs and manual input.
However, when you review the causes of data loss, very few solutions can ensure your data is truly secure. If we take the two most common reasons for data loss, which are device failure and accidental or malicious deletion by staff. It becomes apparent that local self-managed solutions can easily be tampered with or destroyed. Media like tapes and USB hard drives can easily be stolen or destroyed. Even suffer from physical failure, meaning that both your live business data and your backup data can become totally irretrievable.
Cloud Managed Backup is instantly stored off-site in secure data centres with highly restricted access.
2. Regular Monitoring
With any backup solution, how can you be confident it is protecting the correct data all of the time. With local in-house backup systems, a dedicated member of staff has to ensure the correct media is used whilst reviewing the daily logs for failures. If any failures are found they then need to spend time resolving the issues. This will either become very time consuming and expensive to your business or get missed for days and even weeks leaving the company exposed to potential data loss.
Cloud Managed Backup is reviewed daily as part of the service for any failures or issues. These will then be reported, allowing them to be resolved as quick as possible.
3. Loss of Revenue and Reputation
When critical data loss happens to any company it is devastating to all business functions. The vast majority of businesses will find it almost impossible to continue functioning until the data is recovered. At best they will face long delays before the business can continue as normal. This will most certainly impact customer relationships and the future growth of the business. With products and service delivery being delayed. Finances will also be affected with the loss of invoice and billing functions, supplier payments and more.
Cloud Managed Backup allows for fast data and system recovery ensuring your business functions are back and operational with minimal impact.
4. Untested Restore Procedures
A data backup strategy should be implemented as a safety-net for your business. If you experience data loss through user error, virus attacks or any other means. The solution you implement should be reliable enough to ensure you can recover quickly and easily. A data recovery solution will only be needed in time of an emergency. That’s why they should be well documented and regularly tested. There is no point in going through the actions of swapping backup tapes and reviewing backup logs every day of the week. Just to find out that when you really need to restore that critical data, something on the system will not allow it. Media failure, licensing issues, compatibility problems are just a few symptoms of not being able to restore systems and data. Remember normally when you need to restore data quickly, you are in disaster recovery mode. You need to be confident that your solution will restore that valuable backed up data when you need it quick.
Cloud Managed Backup is tested with file restores and system restores when first implemented and on a regular basis. Ensuring your systems can be recovered where and when you need them.
5. Disaster Recovery
Most companies have reviewed and discussed Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity at some point during their life. However, very few businesses implement any kind of process or strategy.
Although Disaster Recovery should cover all aspects of the business, the IT functions are normally the one target first. In simple terms, all the business is expected to do is to implement systems and procedures that allow them to recover their business functions as quick as possible should a disaster occur. This could include but not limited to fire, flood, chemical spillage etc.
To comply with Disaster Recovery of Business Continuity, the company should be able to restore its functions should its main facility and systems not be accessible. This allows the business to continue functioning as normal without loss of sales or reputation. Ensuring the continuation of the business.
Cloud Managed Backup protects your data, off-site enabling you to rapidly restore your systems and information to any location in the world. It also allows for physical servers and PC’s to be restored to a virtual environment if required. Making the solution even more flexible recovery system in a disaster.
Speak to us now to find out how you can back up your business critical server and data for the cost of an iPhone 6 contract. Ensuring your company’s future should the worst happen.