Posted on: 18th of February, 2021
By: Leadtec User

IT Security threats are always a hot topic with companies getting hacked and systems taken down regularly or with people’s personal financial details being stolen. However, most of these attacks can be prevented by taking some simple precautions and ensuring you run a well-supported antivirus / threat prevention solution.
The way criminals now access your information and systems are getting more and more complex. However by ensuring you use complex passwords and always install the latest software updates for your devices. Combined with a good antivirus solution will help protect you and your systems from security threats.
If a poorly maintained antivirus solution is implemented it will only be as good as the day it was installed or last updated. This is because threats are evolving daily, meaning your protection also needs updating daily to ensure it recognises and protects against the latest security risks. Just purchasing an antivirus solution and deploying it for 12 months without reviewing or maintaining will leave you at a greater risk of being compromised.
This is why a Cloud Managed Antivirus solution will always give the maximum protection combined with system updates and complex passwords. By having the updates and threats monitored daily, you can be assured that the solution will protect you against the latest known risks as well as all over well-known and evolving threats. The additional benefit of being cloud-based is that you are always connected to the repository / update servers. This means that if you are travelling, working from home or in the office, every time you connect to the Internet, which always increases your risks of threats, your system will automatically update and report back its status. No need to wait until you next connect to the corporate network.
So what happens if your antivirus protections doesn’t automatically updates or stops working?
With a standalone self-installed solution you are open to threats until you realise and resolve the issue. This massively increases your chances of being infected which can cause issues with your device performance. Loss of personal and critical data or your system being used to propagate further threats and attacks. Viruses and Trojans can also lie dormant on devices for many months, forwarding personal information and data to criminal organisations.
Cloud Managed Antivirus solution are monitored daily and proactively updated and reviewed ensuring the latest updates are always installed. Threats are also reported back to the central console giving early notifications of attempted threats and attacks. This helps form trends and patterns of potential threats and attacks making detection and blocking much easier and a lot more effective. Giving one of the most reliable protections available.