Posted on: 9th of February, 2017
By: Leadtec User
Although Microsoft have not confirmed, denied or admitted pushing Window 10 automatically. We are finding more and more of our client’s PC’s are automatically upgrading to Windows 10 overnight.
Microsoft made a bold statement almost a year ago when Windows 10 was released stating that there would be 1 billion devices running its new operating system within 1 year. As the anniversary of the launch of Windows 10 approaches, the number is well below the 1 billion expected. This may be one reason why Microsoft may have changed tactics from giving you, the end user, the option to install Windows 10 or not.
However, it is far more likely that as the end of the free upgrade period approaches, which is the 29th of July. Microsoft are trying to ensure that all eligible Microsoft users receive the free upgrade before it is too late.
So is being forced to upgrade to Windows 10 a positive move or a disaster waiting to happen? Well, we believe that the positives far outweigh the negatives. Microsoft have worked hard over the last 10 months to turn Windows 10 into the new Windows XP. It’s stable, easy to navigate for users and integrates well with Office 365.
Our advice would be to check that you have no compatibility issues within your business if upgraded to Windows 10. This can either be done in-house or through a partner like LeadTec. If all your hardware and software works as expected, then don’t resist the inevitable and enjoy the new features of Windows 10 before the free upgrade deadline passes.